martes, 12 de enero de 2010



12th (Sat.) Bella calls Seth to see if he has any news of Jacob. Alice does the final fittings for Charlie and Bella. Edward attends his bachelor party. (BD1)

13th (Sun) Edward and Bella are married. (BD3) Jacob attends the reception and nearly starts a fight. (BD4) Edward and Bella leave for Isle Esme.

14th (Mon) Edward and Bella make love for the first time. (BD5)

15th – 20th Bella has strange dreams and her appetite changes. (BD6)

21st (Mon) Bella and Edward make love for the second time. (BD6)

31st (Thurs) Bella determines that she is pregnant. Edward and Bella return to Forks. (BD7)

Si quieres saber las fechas de cuando TODO sucedio en la saga de crepusculo ENTRA A ESTA PAGINA --->

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